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Install Umami Analytics Proxied By Caddy

utilities sysadmin

Umami analytics dashboard

Umami is a simplified web analytics dashboard that can display stats in real time. It’s much easier to navigate than Google Analytics or Matomo, although it lacks some of their advanced features.


Download and build

Follow the official install instructions. First, ensure you have a recent version of node installed. Umami recommends 16.13 or later.

node -v
sudo npm install -g yarn

Download from Github and run the yarn commands for a standard installation.

cd ~/git
git clone
cd umami
yarn install
yarn build

Prepare the database

Create a MySQL or Postgresql database. I’m using MariaDB in place of MySQL..

create database umami;
grant all privileges on umami.* to 'umami'@'localhost' identified by '<PASSWORD>' with grant option;
flush privileges;

Set environment variables

Create an .env file in the installation directory – with database connection string and credentials. Optionally, you can disable telemetry.


The documentation on environment variables also tells you how to rename/replace the default script.js, so that ad blockers are less likely to suppress it. For example, TRACKER_SCRIPT_NAME=custom. I’m using a different method to achieve the same goal, as I’ll explain in a moment.

Automate startup

Run yarn start to launch Umami. If it works, you can now browse to your website (https://localhost:3000, if running locally). This is a good time to login and change the admin password. While you’re there, add an initial site and copy the tracking code it generates.

Press Ctrl-C in your terminal to stop Umami. I followed the instructions to install the pm2 process manager:

sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
sudo pm2 update
pm2 start yarn --name umami -- start
pm2 startup

The pm2 startup command will output a line in your terminal like:

sudo env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 startup systemd -u paul --hp /home/paul

Copy/paste this and press the Enter key to run it. It will create and enable a systemd script to start pm2 when your computer boots.

Finally, run pm2 save to remember the currently running app(s) – in this case, Umami – and restart them when pm2 launches.

Embed tracking code

Copy/paste the javascript shown in the site’s Tracking Code tab into the <head> section of your HTML template pages.

Umami displays javascript like this:

<script async src="https://your.caddy.subdomain/script.js" data-website-id="<WEBSITE_ID_GENERATED_BY_UMAMI>"></script>

I modified it to:

<script async src="https://your.caddy.subdomain/custom" data-website-id="<WEBSITE_ID_GENERATED_BY_UMAMI></script>

Webserver configuration

I’ll have the web server rewrite the /custom path so that it redirects to script.js. That way, I’m obscuring the tracker script without having to modify anything in the Umami filesystem.

I’m using Caddy web server as a reverse proxy to Umami. I’ll use its redir directive to perform the rewrite. My Caddyfile:

your.caddy.subdomain {
        reverse_proxy * localhost:3000
        redir /custom /script.js



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