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Paul Saletan

Mostly about software


Turning a Pogoplug Into a Music Player
multimedia audio music
The Pogoplug Classic is a popular item on eBay and online retailers, often selling for less than $20.
Plank: A Simple Dock For Launching Applications
system configuration desktop
For those of us who dislike the Ubuntu Unity interface and its ugly dock, there are several options.
A Mneumonic Poem For Learning Markdown Syntax
web design markup
###Headlines start with hashes
Moving Dokuwiki To A New Server
server apps wiki
A big advantage of a no-SQL wiki like Dokuwiki is that you can easily move it.
Relay Mail With Postfix and Stunnel
server apps mail sysadmin
Let’s say you’ve just installed your own virtual server running Postfix.
A Linux FAQ For Windows Users
operating system linux windows
The Linux world circa 2012 must look bizarre to Windows users.
pfSense: A Router That Stands Up To Traffic
networking router
I’ve gone through hardware routers at the rate of about one a year, primarily cheap brands like D-Link and Airlink.
Shrink Image Files With GraphicsMagick
utilities graphics
GraphicsMagick is a fork of the ImageMagick project that describes itself as “the swiss army knife of image processing”.
Make Grub2 Boot the Last Operating System You Used
system configuration boot
The GRUB2 boot loader can seem confusing at first.